My passion is prevention
Stomach aches, skin issues, behavioral and learning problems are not "normal", they are a sign of disrupted gut health in your child!
These symptoms CAN be reversed using foundational, holistic protocols. Working with me, I can address the common nutrient deficiencies, gut imbalance, and metabolic problems that cause nearly ALL chronic health issues in children.
As a Registered Nurse specializing in pediatrics, in addition to having comprehensive nutritional and holistic health training through the Rebuild Yourself program, I am here to help you “bridge the gap”.
If you don't believe your child is receiving the medical care they need, we are here for you! Learn how we can address your child's needs holistically and effectively.
What is Functional Nutritional & Lifestyle Assessment?
Your symptoms and physical appearance are the language of the body. By thorough examination of health history, current symptoms, and the appearance of the face, tongue, nails and eyes, we can develop a clear and accurate picture of underlying imbalances causing chronic health problems.
I am here to serve all children and families, ages 0-21.
I found the path of holistic health after trying to help my daughter for years and hitting only dead ends. She went from bed bound to thriving! Watch the video below to learn more about my story and what we can do together.